How many people really know how to handle anger? Have you used the silent treatment? Does swearing put people in their place? Do you keep your feelings in, or do you go an attack someone? All of these may be a sign that anger management is needed. Being human means that you may go through several emotions and all of them need to be expressed and controlled. Anger is a natural reaction to an unpleasant situation. You can identify internal cues to feeling angry: Clenched fists; increased heart rate; pressure on the temples; sweaty palms; clenched jaw; and feeling tightness and flushed. Anger management can be summed up in a simple phrase, "YOU NEED TO TAKE CONTROL BEFORE YOU LOSE CONTROL". Remember that only you can control your own actions, it's never someone else's fault. Here are a few pointers to live by when you feel anger:
Agree to disagree
Ask your self if it is worth it
Walk away & cool off
Compromise, Give a little, get a little
Deal with things later
Be the better person
Laugh it off
There is a thin line between being angry and being aggressive. Aggressive behavior is looked down upon and there will be actions taken either by law or by another person. You may throw things, become irate, curse, gang up on someone, or cause physical harm. All these actions can and will get you in trouble; loss of a job; loss of family/friends; loss of social privileges; going to jail; loss of a life; and loss of your social reputation
The healthy way to manage angry is to be true to your emotions by expressing your feelings. Be reasonable and establish a middle ground. Use words like "I feel this...when you..."
The more you can control anger, the more powerful you become. Practice cooling off, watch your thoughts, and always be mindful of the other person. Exercise, relaxing,listening to music, taking a nap and keeping a journal are great outlets. Most importantly is to learn to forgive and forget. As humans we make mistakes all the time, give people a second chance. Human nature is a powerful thing and it can get out of control. Control is the key word here. Blaming other people for your own actions gets you nowhere.
In short, the best way to deal with your emotions. Do not hold on to your anger. Find ways to safely express it. Use communication and look for a good listener to talk to. Filter bad thoughts, filter bad words, and be mindful of your actions.
Congratulations, you have successfully completed Pastor Steven's Anger Management course. Use this information wisely to protect yourself and others. : )
Our discussion lead us to some interesting conversations about self respect, the opposite sex, and how the younger generation has lost it's way. Chris Paige has a few words from the discussion about self respect and how women should address themselves. Check out the video
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